Climate Change and Agriculture: The Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production in Türkiye

Bayraktar, Saide Simin
There are two critical issues that achieved global consensus. First, global climate change is happening at an increasing rate accompanied by increasing number of climate-related extreme weather conditions. Second, agriculture is the most vulnerable sector to climate change. Food production heavily relies on weather conditions as well as climate. Therefore, climate change is expected to have severe consequences on food production, food prices and inevitably on food security. Türkiye, in line with the predicted impacts of climate change, has witnessed severe weather events in the last decades. It is expected that these impacts will intensify as climate change continues. Türkiye is particularly vulnerable in agricultural sector. Thus, it is critical to analyze how climate change will affect agriculture in Türkiye. Türkiye still requires considerable efforts to meet the challenge of climate change related damages. This thesis analyzes the impacts of climate change on major crop production in Türkiye relying at the center of Turkish agriculture. Using an econometric model, the thesis estimates a significant reduction in wheat, barley, corn rice and sunflower production in the short, medium and long-term. The impact is found to be increasing over time depending on various climate scenarios.
Citation Formats
S. S. Bayraktar, “Climate Change and Agriculture: The Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production in Türkiye,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2023.