Şadi Çalık in front of Atatürk Monument

Atatürk Statue, which is one of the most important works of Şadi Çalık, is placed on a natural pedestal at the center of METU. On the front part of the monument, Atatürk stands with the figures of modern men and women. Among the writings surrounding the monument, the figures that symbolize the Anatolian civilizations are seen; The Hittite Sun, the Seljuk Eagle and Logo of METU. On the other side, the hand holding a bunch of wheatear symbolizes the fruitfulness of these lands. The artist has left this hand as if his hands are on the monument. On every November 10th, the torch on the monument is burned soon, and that night, it lightens through the darkness with its flames rising and falling. The Atatürk Monument is the most beautiful of Atatürk statues. (https://odtumaden.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/06-1981-85-170-215.pdf)
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