Conservation of Archeological and Living Rural Heritage Coexistence: The Case of Altınkaya/Ancient City of Selge

Karan, Zeynep Bengisu
Today, many historic rural tissues have overlapped with archeological sites as a result of being an uninterrupted settlement that has been inhabited since early times. The value of the coexistence of historic rural settlements and archeological sites is neglected to conserve the physical values of archeological sites. Consequently, life is interrupted in these settlements in most cases, and the rural tissue formed by the interaction between human and nature over time is abandoned. Rural settlements, which are intertwined with the archaeological sites and where life still continues today, have the potential to be conserved with all the historical layers that have provided their formation from the past to the present, taking into account their natural, cultural and physical values. This study aims to develop an integrated conservation approach for the multilayered rural settlements. Altınkaya (Zerk) has been chosen as an exemplary study area within the scope of this thesis since the overlapping of the historic rural tissue and the ruins of the ancient city of Selge can still be observed together, in addition to the continuation of traditional rural life. According to the aim, Altınkaya has been studied in all layers from ancient times to the present in order to understand the interconnections between the local people who live in the settlement today and the natural and physical context of the settlement that has developed over time. Through literature and archival study, in-depth interviews with local people, and mapping of the settlement’s historical and current physical layers, data was generated to understand and analyze the complex interrelations of settlement within all contexts. Every place has its own unique characteristics that have emerged and evolved over time. According to the understanding and evaluation of the case of Selge/Altınkaya; the principles, strategies and policies have been developed to conserve this multilayered rural settlement.
Citation Formats
Z. B. Karan, “Conservation of Archeological and Living Rural Heritage Coexistence: The Case of Altınkaya/Ancient City of Selge,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.