Familial memories of young adults: Do family climate and self-construals predict autobiographical memories about the family?

Yön, Feyzanur
The present study aimed to examine the roles of individuals' self-construals, namely individuation and relatedness, and family climate in constructing personal narratives about familial memories. Within the purposes of the study, Turkish young adults aged between 18-25 were invited to the lab, and they narrated a familial memory for five minutes. They also reported their self-construals and family climate through an online survey. Personal narratives were coded in the context of thematic coherence and subjective perspective terms. The findings revealed that individuation predicted familial narratives, specifically subjective perspective terms. An exploratory result displayed that gender also plays an essential role in memory characteristics. Nevertheless, none of the family climate variables predicted personal narratives in this study. The current study showed the predictive value of individuation and gender difference by replicating previous findings in the related literature. The findings of the present study were discussed within the framework of autobiographical memory literature.
Citation Formats
F. Yön, “Familial memories of young adults: Do family climate and self-construals predict autobiographical memories about the family?,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.