Trends in education expenditures in Turkey: 1975-91

Kasnakoğlu, Zehra
Erdil, Erkan
This paper, attempts to analyze the trends in real public expenditures on education in Turkey during the 1975-91 period. Two different price deflators are employed to deflate the nominal expenditures, namely the GNP deflator and public expenditure deflators. The education expenditures at two different education levels per student were analyzed and compared for different expenditure components. Finally, structural changes in trends of real education expenditures for different subperiods were tested. The statistical tests performed on the estimated regression equations show that the real education expenditures per student were significantly affected by the economic and political changes in Turkey.
Citation Formats
Z. Kasnakoğlu and E. Erdil, “Trends in education expenditures in Turkey: 1975-91,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 521–542, 1994, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: