Work related beliefs and perceived outcomes from participation: a research in Turkish industrial firms.

Aşcıgil, Semra Feriha


Time-based workflow mining
Cantürk, Deniz; Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan; Department of Computer Engineering (2005)
Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, new techniques for discovering workflow models have been required. Starting point for such techniques are so-called أworkflow l...
Fostering pre-service science teachers self determined motivation toward environment through satisfaction of three basic psychological needs
Karaarslan, Güliz; Ertepınar, Hamide; Sungur, Semra; Department of Educational Sciences (2011)
The aim of this study was to examine pre-service science teachers’ self-determined motivation toward environment and investigate how their basic psychological needs that support their self-determined motivation were fullfilled during the environmental course activities. The thesis includes two main parts: a quantitative part and a qualitative part. In the quantitative part of the study, PSTs’ motivation toward environment was measured before, after and five months later following the course activities. In t...
Work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors
Karanfil, Dery; Sümer, H. Canan.; Department of Psychology (2019)
The current study aimed to examine whether employees who are targeted by incivility at work display similar behaviors toward their partners at home. The current study proposed a model for work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors. Emotional exhaustion was hypothesized as the mediator of in the relationship between workplace experienced incivility and work-family conflict. Core self-evaluation and psychological detachment were expected to weaken the effect of experienced workplace incivility on emotional exha...
Tragedy at court: an analysis of the relationship between jealousy, honour, revenge and in John Ford's Love's Sacrifice and Lope de Vega's Punishment Without Revenge
Aydoğdu, Merve; Alpakın Martınez Caro, Dürrin; Department of Foreign Language Education (2013)
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the destructive effects of infidelity in the old-aged husband-the young wife marriages which end up with tragedy. In John Ford’s Love’s Sacrifice (1633) and Lope de Vega’s Punishment Without Revenge (1631), tragedy turns out to be the inevitable consequence of the plays since the motives of jealousy, honour, revenge and love converge and lead people to commit sinful crimes. Within this scope, the first chapter of the thesis is devoted to the historical information abo...
Interactive classification of satellite image content based on query by example
Dalay, Oral; Atalay, Mehmet Volkan; Department of Computer Engineering (2005)
In our attempt to construct a semantic filter for satellite image content, we have built a software that allows user to indicate a few number of image regions that contains a specific geographical object, such as, a bridge, and to retrieve similar objects on the same satellite image. We are particularly interested in performing a data analysis approach based on user interaction. User can guide the classification procedure by interaction and visual observation of the results. We have applied a two step proce...
Citation Formats
S. F. Aşcıgil, “Work related beliefs and perceived outcomes from participation: a research in Turkish industrial firms.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1992.