Analysing the impact of land cover and land use decisions on floods with multitemporal Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 data

Güzel, Selin
The number of flood events are increasing globally, including Turkiye significant growth in population in cities led to the expansion of settlements, causing serious changes in land use and land cover, which affect the surface permeability. These changes are key factors which increase the risk of severe flooding. While floods cannot be fully controlled, their damage to cities, economies and people can be reduced by analysing detailed spatial information on flood events. Although the occurrence of flood disasters and the causes related to land use and land cover decisions have been discussed in other studies, the relationship between these decisions and floods requires further analyses using spaceborne imaging systems. This study sought to answer the questions of which areas in a certain category of land cover decreased or increased, whether the area of flood extent increased over years and which land cover types are inundated more during floods. The relationship between land use and land cover decisions and the occurrence of flood disasters were analysed and impacts of these decisions were presented with the help of Synthetic Aperture Radar and optical data. The results showed that areas with high permeability, such as vegetation, experienced minimal flooding, while areas with low permeability, such as bare soil areas were more prone to flooding. Moreover, the majority of the flooded areas were observed to be in agricultural areas.
Citation Formats
S. Güzel, “Analysing the impact of land cover and land use decisions on floods with multitemporal Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 data,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.