Analysis of ECM Techniques and Development of ECCM for FMCW Applications

Eser, Doğancan
This thesis proposes a slow time phase coded FMCW technique as an ECCM method, accompanied by analysis, simulations, and practical implementation across various frequency bands. The slow time phase coding technique, utilizing binary coded phase shifts, was evaluated with different coding schemes to suppress jamming signals by exploiting cross-correlation properties in the Doppler domain. Simulations were conducted under different ECM scenarios, including LFM and deceptive jamming, and detection algorithm including cell-averaging CFAR and phase decoding were applied to improve resilience against these threats. Additionally, comparisons with other ECCM techniques, such as fast time phase coding, frequency hopping, and varying chirp slopes, are made. The thesis also investigates the practical implementation of slow time phase coded FMCW in C and K band applications, addressing challenges such as the impact of phase noise and drift of the oscillator on RGPI jamming by DRFM jammers. Experiments and simulations demonstrate the efficiency of slow time phase coding FMCW technique in various applications, such as military applications, traffic monitoring and industrial automation under jamming scenarios. The major contributions of this thesis include a comprehensive performance analysis of slow time phase coding FMCW technique under ECM conditions, time-domain analysis of DRFM jamming with RGPI technique, and the proposal of new ECCM techniques leveraging phase coding and CFAR. Circuit level designs for practical FMCW radar applications are also presented, providing a foundation for future developments in radar technology.
Citation Formats
D. Eser, “Analysis of ECM Techniques and Development of ECCM for FMCW Applications,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2024.