Implementation and evaluation of an age-aware Wi-Fi uplink

Balcı, Alperen
This thesis addresses the novel approach to enhance the efficiency and freshness of wireless communication networks by integrating the concept of Age of Information (AoI) within the existing Wi-Fi 802.11 standards framework. The Age of Information represents a dynamic measure of the timeliness and freshness of data. The proposed research methodology involves optimizing the system and improving overall network performance by integrating AoI metrics within the existing Wi-Fi 802.11 standards framework. In multi-user uplink Wi-Fi networks, a policy called MAB UCB-PI, which uses Upper Confidence Bounds (UCB) to solve the Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem, has been developed to optimize scheduling policies and prioritize packet transmission. The validity of this approach has been evaluated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments using low-cost hardware such as Raspberry Pi-4 and ESP32 modules. The results demonstrate that MAB UCB-PI outperforms existing algorithms in reducing AoI, is robust under varying network conditions, and can adapt to different scenarios.
Citation Formats
A. Balcı, “Implementation and evaluation of an age-aware Wi-Fi uplink,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.