Determination of Contents of Histophilus Somni Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) and Their Immunogenic Potential

Aktaş, Caner
Histophilus somni, formerly known as Haemophilus somnus is a Gram-negative bacterium currently classified as a member of the Haemophilus Actinobacillus Pasteurella (HAP) group. It causes the disease histophilosis involving thrombotic meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, acute necrotizing myocarditis, polyarthritis as well as urogenital infections and abortion with placentitis and fetal septicemia. H. somni is a component of the bovine respiratory disease (BRD) complex in combination with Mannheimia haemolytica, Trueperella pyogenes, Pasteurella multocida, and/or Mycoplasma bovis. BRD is the main driver of economic loss in feedlots. Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are highly immunogenic spherical nanoparticles derived from Gram-negative bacteria that promote pathogenesis, enable bacterial survival during stress conditions, and can activate antigen-presenting cells. They also play an important role in regulating microbial interactions within bacterial communities and with their host. It has been shown that these vesicles transport protein, lipid, and RNA molecules. Our study has shown that H. somni OMV’s derived from early, mid, and late-log stages of growth carries 22, 32 and 46 proteins respectively and 20 unique sRNA species that are differentially expressed within OMVs which have shown significant similarities with bovine hostmiRNAs. Furthermore, ELISA and Western blotting experiments on mice serum collected from OMV immunized mice have shown that OMVs are able to induce immunoglobulin responses. However, no IFN-γ response detected. Furthermore, serum collected from OMV immunized mice have shown bactericidal activity. Thus, it is concluded that OMVs from H. somni can be used to develop vaccination against BRD caused by H. somni.
Citation Formats
C. Aktaş, “Determination of Contents of Histophilus Somni Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) and Their Immunogenic Potential,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2024.