bezci, babür furkan
This study investigates Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3), a cement innovation introduced in recent years to reduce the carbon footprint of traditional cement production. Conventional LC3 is typically produced with a composition of 50% clinker, 30% calcined clay, 15% limestone, and 5% gypsum. The clays used in these formulations are generally of medium grade, containing approximately 40% kaolinite. However, previous research has indicated that clays with varying compositions may also be suitable for LC3 production. Notably, the presence of calcite within the clay composition has been shown to play a critical role in the strength development of these cements. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing clays with diverse mineralogical compositions from various sources for the production of LC3. The primary objective is to determine the optimal clay proportions to achieve the best overall performance characteristics. For this purpose, four different clay types that contain a variety of clay minerals are obtained from different geographical regions of Türkiye. These clays were calcined at 800 °C, and LC3 blends were subsequently prepared using varying proportions of cement, limestone and clay. Notably, LC3 blends incorporating clays C3 and C4, characterized by minimal or no kaolinite content, demonstrated superior strength properties. Conversely, blends utilizing clays C1 and C2, despite their higher kaolinite content, exhibited inferior strength. Furthermore, the incorporation of limestone resulted in a decrease in compressive strength. To mitigate this reduction, increasing the cement content within the blend composition is a potential solution. However, this approach may compromise the overall sustainability of the LC3 blend. These findings underscore the critical influence of clay mineralogy on LC3 blend performance. Consequently, optimizing LC3 formulations by carefully considering both clay type and proportion is crucial for achieving
Citation Formats
b. f. bezci, “EFFECTS OF CLAY TYPE ON THE PROPERTIES OF LIMESTONE CALCINED CLAY CEMENT,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.