Regional distribution of sediment yield rates in Turkey

Çetinkaya, Murat Karluk


Regional variation of statistical parameters of the annual precipitation data in Turkey.
Unal, Guneri; Department of Civil Engineering (1975)
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Şahin, Mehmet Altuğ; Akyürek, Sevda Zuhal; Department of Civil Engineering (2013)
Regional flood frequency techniques are commonly used to estimate flood quantiles when flood data are unavailable or the record length at an individual gauging station is insufficient for reliable analyses. These methods compensate for limited or unavailable data by pooling data from nearby gauged sites. This requires the delineation of hydrologically homogeneous regions in which the flood regime is sufficiently similar to allow the spatial transfer of information. Therefore, several Regional Flood Frequenc...
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Oguz, Temel; Salihoğlu, Barış; Moncheva, Snejana; Abaza, Valeria (2012-04-01)
The community-wide trophic cascade due to collapsed fish stocks and population outburst of invasive predators after the early 1990s resulted in different pelagic and benthic food web structures in the Black Sea. The northeastern region assumed their most simplified forms characterized by increasing mesozooplankton and polychaete biomass. The ecological degradation is more severe in the northwestern part, whereas the southern basin maintains an anchovy fishery under relatively weak gelatinous predation.
Citation Formats
M. K. Çetinkaya, “Regional distribution of sediment yield rates in Turkey,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.