Confrontation with death in William Golding's Pincher Martin and Albert Camus' the Outsider

Rmouch, Mostafa


Intersection of architecture and music as Gesamtkunstwerk in Iannis Xenakis' selected works
Özcan, Zeynep; Enginsoy Ekinci, Ayşe Sevil; Department of History of Architecture (2013)
This thesis focuses on the two selected works of the architect/engineer/composer Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001); Philips Pavilion (1956-58) and Le Diatope (1978). It places these works at the intersection of architecture and music by showing how they combine spatial, musical and visual performances. Accordingly, it discusses them as exceptional twentieth-century examples of Gesamtkunstwerk; “total work of art.”
Interaction among components of pedagogical content knowledge A case of science teacher of gifted students
Çaylak, Burak; Çakıroğlu, Jale (null; 2015-09-04)
Reconstruction of architectural image in science fiction cinema: a case study on New York
Hacıömeroğlu, Türkan Nihan; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Department of Architecture (2008)
This thesis interrogates the interrelation between architecture and science fiction cinema to understand the fictional and representative power of architecture. Since cinema embraces both physical and representative aspects of architecture it is convenient to carry out the research through the mediation of cinema. To accomplish this goal science fiction genre is particularly chosen where architectural image can break its commonly acknowledged facet and can reconstruct to participate in the narrative. The ar...
Irony in the poems of Thomas Hardy and Behçet Necatigil
Kutay, Meltem; Bezel, Nail; Department of English Literature (1996)
Interaction of the AKP with the constitutional state in turkey: AKP’s political justice /
Kars Kaynar, Ayşegül; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2014)
This study examines the interaction between Justice and Development Party governments and the constitutional State in Turkey. The study demonstrates that, although Justice and Development Party stays within the formal boundaries of rule of law order and parliamentary democracy, it surpasses the substantial boundaries that constitutional state brings. In this respect, the purpose of the study is to show that, this political party surpasses the limits of executive and legislative powers, and proceeds in the d...
Citation Formats
M. Rmouch, “Confrontation with death in William Golding’s Pincher Martin and Albert Camus’ the Outsider,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.