Reflection and action as a means of initiating change in teacher educators: a study involving three teacher educators

Öniz, A. Suzan


Beliefs of members of an online community of practice on the effects of membership on teaching and professional development
Yılmaz, Beyza Nur; Seferoğlu, Gölge; Department of English Language Teaching (2012)
This study investigated beliefs of members of an online Community of Practice (WIA) on the role of the community on professional development, teaching, and on Web 2.0 use. Through the analyses of the questionnaire, it was aimed at finding out the members’ ideas about the group as an online CoP and benefits of belonging to an online CoP. The data were collected from seventy nine members of the Webheads in Action from various countries by using an online questionnaire. Then, the responses to the multiple choi...
Perceived benefits of three-way observation on the focal areas of abjectives of the activities, error-correction techniques and group-work in study conducted in an upper-intermediate class at Bilkent University school of English Language
Uçan, Bengü Yurtseven; Daloğlu, Ayşegül; Department of English Language Teaching (2004)
This study aims to explore the perceived benefits of three-way observation on the focal areas of objectives of the activities, error-correction techniques, and group-work in an upper-intermediate class in Bilkent University School of English Language. The data was collected through five classroom observations, six post-observation reflection sheets, five focus-group interviews with the students, and five post-observation interviews with the observer. A total of 15 upper-intermediate level students, one teac...
Predictive influence of students achievement motivation, meaningful learning approach and epistemological beliefs on classification concept achievement
Kızılgüneş, Berna; Öztekin, Ceren; Department of Elementary Science and Mathematics Education (2007)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the predictive influences of epistemological beliefs, achievement motivation, learning approaches on sixth grade students’ achievement in classification concepts. The study was carried out in the fall 2006-2007 semester. One thousand forty one 6th grade students from twenty five randomly selected elementary schools in Çankaya district of Ankara participated in this study. In this study Turkish version of the Learning Approach Questionnaire, Epistemological...
Online professional development program for science teachers: a case study
Ateşkan, Armağan; Özden, M. Yaşar; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2008)
The aim of this study was to investigate science teachers’ perceptions about the online teacher professional development (oTPD) program. The research study included two consecutive steps. The first step was related to the design of the oTPD program. With the help of related literature, examples of oTPD programs and expert opinions, an oTPD program was designed. In the second step, ten of the alumni of Bilkent University Graduate School of Education Biology Teacher Education Program participated in a ten wee...
Teachers' expectations from an educational portal : identifiying contributing factors
Öztürk, Serap; Yıldırım, İbrahim Soner; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2005)
This study explores the in-service teachers̀ expectations from an educational portal which is being developed by the Ministry of National Education. This is a descriptive survey study that examined the factors which contribute to teachers̀ expectations from an educational portal. Data were obtained 130 teachers (37 primary and 90 secondary school teachers) in Eskisehir province. Sampling was convenience thus the findings of this study could only be generalized to teachers who work at the central province of...
Citation Formats
A. S. Öniz, “Reflection and action as a means of initiating change in teacher educators: a study involving three teacher educators,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2001.