Electrical impedance tomography using magnetic fields generated by injected currents

Birgül, Özlem


Electrical impedance tomography using the magnetic field generated by injected currents
Birgul, O; Ider, YZ (1996-11-03)
In 2D EIT imaging, the internal distribution of the injected currents generate a magnetic field in the imaging region which can be measured by magnetic resonance imaging techniques. This magnetic field is perpendicular to the imaging region on the imaging region and it can be used in reconstructing the conductivity distribution inside the imaging region. For this purpose, internal current distribution is found using the finite element method. The magnetic fields due to this current is found using Biot-Savar...
Electrical impedance tomography using induced and injected currents
Gençer, Nevzat Güneri; Kuzuoğlu, Mustafa (IOP Publishing, 1992-01-01)
A two-dimensional forward problem formulation is introduced for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) using induced currents. The forward problem is linearised around a certain resistivity distribution and the inverse problem is formulated as a solution of a linear system of equations. Sensitivity of boundary measurements to resistivity variations arc analysed for spatially uniform, linear and quadratic fields. The formulation, however, is suitable for studying the effects of a general magnetic field applie...
Electrical impedance tomography using lorentz fields
Zengin, Reyhan; Gençer, Nevzat Güneri; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2012)
In this thesis, a novel approach is proposed to image the electrical conductivity properties of biological tissues. This technique is based on electrical current induction using ultrasound together with and applied static magnetic field. Acoustic vibrations are generated via piezoelectric transducers located on the surface of a biological body. To simulate the new technique multiphysics solution is required which couples pressure and electromagnetic equations. The feasibility of the proposed approach is inv...
Electrical Impedance Tomography Induced Current
Gençer, Nevzat Güneri (2006-01-01)
The ultimate goal of induced‐current electrical impedance tomography (ICEIT) is to image the electrical impedance distribution within the human body. In ICEIT, time‐varying magnetic fields are applied to induce currents in the body and surface voltage measurements are used to reconstruct impedance distribution. Time‐varying fields are usually generated by sinusoidal current‐carrying wires encircling the conducting body. Given the conductivity distribution, calculating the surface voltages due a given coil c...
Electrical impedance plethysmography
Eyüboğlu, Behçet Murat (2006-01-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. Birgül, “Electrical impedance tomography using magnetic fields generated by injected currents,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.