A System for proposal preparation process at a project-based organization

Çakacı, Sibel


A decision support system for value for money analysis of minimum revenue guaranteed road projects
Tekin, Zeki Emre; Sönmez, Rifat; Department of Civil Engineering (2018)
Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects have ability to fund themselves when investments generate sufficient revenue. However, commercial revenues except collected tolls are limited in road projects. On the other hand, demand uncertainty creates concerns regarding toll revenues and governments generally provide Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG) to make road PPPs feasible and attractive for private sector. If optimum level of MRG are not assessed during preparation stage and required funds are not allocated ...
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Gökalp, Ebru; Şen, Tayyar; Department of Industrial Engineering (2010)
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Alpagut, Merih Ayşe; Güyagüler, Tevfik; Department of Mining Engineering (2010)
In the recent years, ongoing debates in the mineral sector has shown that efficient use of natural resources is of vital importance as the use of minerals is essential for modern living. Especially, in the context of sustainable development, it is required that mineral resources should be exploited to maximize the contribution to the well being of current generation without depriving the potential for future generations to meet their own needs. The aim of this thesis is to develop a decision support system ...
A Conceptual model for quality information system and a policy deployment framework for a hospital
Doğanoğlu, Eray Tümgüç; Özdemirel, Nur Evin; Köksal, Gülser; Department of Industrial Engineering (1997)
Citation Formats
S. Çakacı, “A System for proposal preparation process at a project-based organization,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.