Strategies, motives and host country interactions of multinational corporations and an assessment of Turkish FDI experience

Kılıç, Andaç


Strategies and Guidelines for Building Effective Distributed Learning Teams in Higher Education
Swigger, Kathleen; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; Brazile, Robert; Dafoulas, Georges; Cabrera, Victor Lopez; Serçe, Fatma Cemile (2010-05-01)
The paper describes the strategies and guidelines for building effective global student teams based on the experiences obtained from six global software development projects involving 438 students from the universities in the US, Panama, UK, and Turkey. According to the findings obtained from these projects, the factors affecting online collaboration and the problems faced during management of projects are given in the paper. It is hoped that these findings will help to instructors to design and manage glob...
Strategies for an effective university-industry collaboration in industrial design education : a case study of graduation projects
Baysal, Ömer Orhun; Hasdoğan, Gülay Fatma; Department of Industrial Design (2007)
Industrially supported projects, which are an important part of industrial design education, have been carried on with an increasing pace in universities in Turkey for a long time. This thesis develops strategies to improve collaborative projects with industry in industrial design education, by examining how collaboration member benefit from each other’s and which problems do they encounter with collaboration; and to find out what the needs and expectations of all members are through a case study of graduat...
Strategies for affordable housing: Cohousing's potential role in creating dwellings equally accessible to all
Gökçe, Şevket Deniz; Erkılıç, Mualla; Department of Architecture (2022-9-01)
Today, the need for affordable and adequate housing is more urgent than it has ever been before. Rapid urbanization, population growth and economic inequalities are causing problems worldwide when access to adequate housing is concerned. The right to adequate housing is recognized as a human right and it is essential for social inclusion. However, access to a decent dwelling is usually problematic for most of low-income population and even middle-income groups. These groups are being coerced into living in ...
Trends and issues in preschool teacher education program Turkish case
Tekmen, Belkıs; Akar, Hanife (2015-09-24)
Strategies and difficulties in solving spatial visualization problems: a case study with adults
Kayhan, Emine Banu; Bulut, Safure; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2012)
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the spatial strategies of adults and the difficulties they experience while solving spatial visualization problems. To achieve this purpose, a case study is conducted and the case of this study is the group of five adults studying secondary or elementary mathematics education in a public university in Ankara. Spatial Ability Test (SAT) and task based interviews are utilized to determine the participants’ spatial abilities; and to interpret their strategies,...
Citation Formats
A. Kılıç, “Strategies, motives and host country interactions of multinational corporations and an assessment of Turkish FDI experience,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.