Zehra Sibel Tarı

Department of Computer Engineering
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An experimental evaluation of visual similarity for HDR images
Aydinlilar, Merve; Akyüz, Ahmet Oğuz; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (2021-07-01)
In this paper, we investigate visual similarity for high dynamic range (HDR) images. We collect crowdsourcing data through a web-based experimental interface, in which the participants are asked to choose one of the two ca...
Local Culprits of Shape Complexity
Arslan, Mazlum Ferhat; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (2021-01-01)
Quantifying shape complexity is useful in several practical problems in addition to being interesting from a theoretical point of view. In this paper, instead of assigning a single global measure of complexity, we propose ...
SHREC’21: Quantifying shape complexity[Formula presented]
Arslan, Mazlum Ferhat; Rosin, Paul L.; Tarı, Zehra Sibel; Gardiner, James D.; Genctav, Asli; Genctav, Murat (2021-01-01)
© 2021 Elsevier LtdThis paper presents the results of SHREC’21 track: Quantifying Shape Complexity. Our goal is to investigate how good the submitted shape complexity measures are (i.e. with respect to ground truth) and in...
Complexity of Shapes Embedded in Z with a Bias towards Squares
Arslan, Mazlum Ferhat; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020-01-01)
Shape complexity is a hard-to-quantify quality, mainly due to its relative nature. Biased by Euclidean thinking, circles are commonly considered as the simplest. However, their constructions as digital images are only appr...
İlham Avcısı
Bal Bozkurt, Gülce; Bozkurt, Engin; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (2019-9-27)
İlham Avcısı, tasarımcılara örnek görüntüler sağlayarak tasarımcıların yeni fikirler üretmesini kolaylaştırmayı amaçlayan bilgisayar destekli tasarım aracına entegre edilmiş bir platformdur. Tasarımcılara web içeriğindeki ...
Analysis of Planar Ornament Patterns via Motif Asymmetry Assumption and Local Connections
Adanova, Venera; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (2019-03-01)
Planar ornaments, a.k.a. wallpapers, are regular repetitive patterns which exhibit translational symmetry in two independent directions. There are exactly 17 distinct planar symmetry groups. We present a fully automatic me...
Discrepancy: Local/Global Shape Characterization with a Roundness Bias
Genctav, Asli; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-01-15)
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Disk shape frequently appears as a reference in shape characterization applications. We propose a local measure of deviation from a disk as the local di...
A Non-local Measure for Mesh Saliency via Feature Space Reduction
Tarı, Zehra Sibel; Genctav, Murat (null, Springer, 2019-01-01)
A Data Driven Modeling of Ornaments
Adanova, Venera; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (Springer, 2019)
Ornaments are created by repeating a base motif via combination of four primitive geometric repetition operations: translation, rotation, reflection, and glide reflection. The way the operations are combined defines symmet...
The Hubness Phenomenon in High-Dimensional Spaces
Mani, Priya; Vazquez, Marilyn; Metcalf-Burton, Jessica Ruth; Domeniconi, Carlotta; Fairbanks, Hillary; Bal Bozkurt, Gülce; Beer, Elizabeth; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (Springer, 2019)
High-dimensional data analysis is often negatively affected by the curse of dimensionality. In high-dimensional spaces, data becomes extremely sparse and distances between points become indistinguishable. As a consequence,...
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