On the p-ary (cubic) bent and plateaued (vectorial) functions

Özbudak, Ferruh
Sinak, AHMET
Plateaued functions play a significant role in cryptography, sequences for communications, and the related combinatorics and designs. Comparing to their importance, those functions have not been studied in detail in a general framework. Our motivation is to bring further results on the characterizations of bent and plateaued functions, and to introduce new tools which allow us firstly a better understanding of their structure and secondly to get methods for handling and designing such functions. We first characterize bent functions in terms of all even moments of the Walsh transform, and then plateaued (vectorial) functions in terms of the value distribution of the second-order derivatives. Moreover, we devote to cubic functions the characterization of plateaued functions in terms of the value distribution of the second-order derivatives, and hence this reveals non-existence of homogeneous cubic bent (and also (homogeneous) cubic plateaued for some cases) functions in odd characteristic. We use a rank notion which generalizes the rank notion of quadratic functions. This rank notion reveals new results about (homogeneous) cubic plateaued functions. Furthermore, we observe non-existence of a function whose absolute Walsh transform takes exactly 3 distinct values (one being zero). We finally provide a new class of functions whose absolute Walsh transform takes exactly 4 distinct values (one being zero).


Order of convergence of evolution operator method
Ergenc, T; Hascelik, AI (Informa UK Limited, 1998-01-01)
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An Upper Bound for Limited Rate Feedback MIMO Capacity
Güvensen, Gökhan Muzaffer; Yılmaz, Ali Özgür (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009-06-01)
We develop a technique to upper bound the point-to-point MIMO limited rate feedback (LRF) capacity under a wide class of vector quantization schemes. The upper bound turns out to be tight and can also be used to obtain an absolute upper bound by using a bounding distribution for Grassmannian beamforming. The bounding technique can be applied to other problems requiring the exact evaluation of the expected value of matrix determinant.
Systematic authentication codes using additive polynomials
Özbudak, Ferruh (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2008-12-01)
Using additive polynomials related to some curves over finite fields, we construct two families of systematic authentication codes. We use tight bounds for the number of rational points of these curves in estimating the probabilities of the systematic authentication codes. We compare their parameters with some existing codes in the literature. We observe that the parameters are better than the existing ones in some cases.
A finite field framework for modeling, analysis and control of finite state automata
Reger, Johann; Schmidt, Klaus Verner (Informa UK Limited, 2004-09-01)
In this paper, we address the modeling, analysis and control of finite state automata, which represent a standard class of discrete event systems. As opposed to graph theoretical methods, we consider an algebraic framework that resides on the finite field F-2 which is defined on a set of two elements with the operations addition and multiplication, both carried out modulo 2. The key characteristic of the model is its functional completeness in the sense that it is capable of describing most of the finite st...
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LİNG, San; Özbudak, Ferruh (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2007-12-01)
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Citation Formats
S. MESNAGER, F. Özbudak, and A. Sinak, “On the p-ary (cubic) bent and plateaued (vectorial) functions,” DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY, pp. 1865–1892, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/35181.