Class and Habitus in the Formation of Gay Identities, Masculinities, and Respectability in Turkey

This article examines how gay men engage with masculine respectability in urban Turkey. Our analysis of twenty-four in-depth interviews in Ankara shows that gay men's self-presentation generally conforms to the expectations of masculine appearance and behavior in their class-based social circles. Thus we argue that social class and habitus are important for the norms of masculine respectability with a marked difference between lower-class/traditional middle-class and professional middle-class milieus. While family-dependent gay men in the lower class and traditional middle class often conform to hegemonic masculinity through their "family guy" performances and limit their sexual desires, professional middle-class gay men mobilize their social, economic, and cultural capital to carve out a gay life where they can perform a "sophisticated" gay identity and participate in a gay community, albeit in certain permitted domains.


Construction of gay identity among different classes : a case study in Ankara
Ural, Haktan; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Department of Sociology (2010)
This thesis mainly aims to understand how construction of gay identity differentiates in terms of class inequalities. Regarding the conceptual framework of Deniz Kandiyoti, it inquires in what way class position reshapes the experience of gay sexuality and how gay men of different classes bargain with heteronormative order through different perceptions of homoeroticism and gender identities. In discussing this issue, how gay men identify themselves, how they represent their body, how they interact with and ...
Man to Man: Understanding Hegemonic Masculinity in Turkey through Homosocial Interactions
Yunusoğlu, Enver; Ecevit, Fatma Yıldız; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2021-4-27)
The aim of the current study is to understand hegemonic masculinity in Turkey by examining homosocial interactions between men. In order to better capture how male-male interactions contribute to hegemonic masculinity, I attempted to conduct a qualitative research based on feminist methodology. In the current study, I carried out semi-structured in-depth interviews with 20 men who belong to at least one homosocial group. In order to identify, analyze, and report themes within data, I undertook thematic anal...
The relationships among attitudes toward gay men and lesbians, system justification, social contact, political orientation and gender.
Uğurlu, Ozanser; Eryılmaz, Derya; Sakallı, Nuray (2019-06-01)
The study explored the association among attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, system justification, social contact, political orientation, and gender in a Muslim heterosexual sample in Turkey. Participants (N = 377; Women = 276 Men = 101; MAge = 21.83, SDAge = 2.00) completed scales of Attitudes toward Gay Men (ATG) and Lesbians (ATL), system justification, and demographic information. Men had more negative scores on ATG and ATLthan women. Gay men were evaluated more negatively than lesbians by men. Havin...
Gender based social movements and lgbt movement in Post-Soviet Russia
Seçkin, Ecem; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of Eurasian Studies (2015)
This study examines the emergence and development of gender based social movements and LGBT movements in post-Soviet Russia with the legacy of homophobic and sexist policies of Tsarist and Soviet Russia. From a historical perspective, this thesis aims to analyze how gender related social issues have been perceived by the Russian society and how activists desired changes in the Russian society through social movements. In this thesis, social movements and gender related problems are investigated in a histori...
The relationship between sexism and attitudes toward homosexuality in a sample of Turkish college students
Sakallı, Nuray (Informa UK Limited, 2002-01-01)
This study examined the relationship of sexism, having traditional and conservative values, and contact with homosexual individuals to attitudes toward homosexuality. Two hundred seven male and female students from Middle East Technical University completed Hudson and Rickett's Homophobia scale, Glick and Fiske's Ambivalent Sexism Inventory and questions about: (1) their sexual preferences, (2) whether they described themselves as traditional and conservative, and (3) whether they knew a homosexual or not. ...
Citation Formats
H. Ural and F. U. Beşpınar Akgüner, “Class and Habitus in the Formation of Gay Identities, Masculinities, and Respectability in Turkey,” JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST WOMENS STUDIES, pp. 244–264, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: