Protein secondary structure prediction of STZ-induced diabetic and antioxidant treated diabetic rat kidney microsomal membranes by neural networks

Severcan, M
Gorgulu, G
Severcan, Feride


Protein profiling of the blood-brain barrier through publicly available omics data
Beker, Özgür Yılmaz; Khorsand, Fereshteh Ramezani; Mustafaoğlu, Nur; Adebali, Ogün (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Enformatik Enstitüsü; 2022-10)
Multiomics data generated through various experiments and uploaded to public repositories have the potential to help researchers in understanding differentially expressed genes in different tissues. One such example is the blood-brain barrier (BBB), for which drug development is a problem because most therapeutic molecules cannot cross the BBB. Among the cell types that form the BBB, endothelial cells are the most important and functional members of the BBB [1], which prevent the entry of most molecules fro...
Protein domain networks: analysis of attack tolerance under varied circumstances
Oğuz, Şaziye Deniz; Öktem, Hakan; Department of Scientific Computing (2010)
Recently, there has been much interest in the resilience of complex networks to random failures and intentional attacks. The study of the network robustness is particularly important by several occasions. In one hand a higher degree of robustness to errors and attacks may be desired for maintaining the information flow in communication networks under attacks. On the other hand planning a very limited attack aimed at fragmenting a network by removal of minimum number of the most important nodes might have si...
Protein-based materials in load-bearing tissue-engineering applications
Sayin, Esen; Baran, Erkan Turker; Hasırcı, Vasıf Nejat (2014-01-01)
Proteins such as collagen and elastin are robust molecules that constitute nanocomponents in the hierarchically organized ultrastructures of bone and tendon as well as in some of the soft tissues that have load-bearing functions. In the present paper, the macromolecular structure and function of the proteins are reviewed and the potential of mammalian and non-mammalian proteins in the engineering of load-bearing tissue substitutes are discussed. Chimeric proteins have become an important structural biomater...
Protein-Protein Interactions in Live Cells: Reinventing the Wheel
Son, Çağdaş Devrim (2018-12-13)
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are membrane proteins that mediate physiologicalresponse to a diverse array of stimuli. In humans, they mediate the action of hundreds ofpeptide hormones, sensory stimuli, odorants, neurotransmitters, and chemokines. GPCRs alsoare targets for ~40% of all currently marketed pharmaceuticals. These receptors traditionallybeen thought to act as monomeric units. However, recent evidence suggests that GPCRs mayform dimers as part of their normal trafficking and function. While ...
Protein adsorption and transport in dextran-modified ion-exchange media. I: Adsorption
Bowes, Brian D.; Koku, Harun; Czymmek, Kirk J.; Lenhoff, Abraham M. (Elsevier BV, 2009-11-06)
Adsorption behavior is compared on a traditional agarose-based ion-exchange resin and on two dextran-modified resins, using three proteins to examine the effect of protein size. The latter resins typically exhibit higher static capacities at low ionic strengths and electron microscopy provides direct visual evidence supporting the view that the higher static capacities are due to the larger available binding volume afforded by the dextran. However, isocratic retention experiments reveal that the larger prot...
Citation Formats
M. Severcan, G. Gorgulu, and F. Severcan, “Protein secondary structure prediction of STZ-induced diabetic and antioxidant treated diabetic rat kidney microsomal membranes by neural networks,” 2005, vol. 88, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: