After action reviews in teams: comparing the effects of teamwork and taskwork focus

Mete, İpek
After-action review (AAR), which is a team development intervention that involves systematically reflecting on a recent experience and planning for future, has been shown as an effective tool in improving team performance. Although effective team functioning depends on both teamwork and taskwork components, previous AAR literature neglected whether focusing on either one or both of these aspects would make a difference in AAR effectiveness. This study investigated the effect of AAR focus on team performance and also examined the mediating mechanisms (i.e., coordination, team monitoring and backup behavior, and information sharing) in this relationship. A lab experiment with a 4 (AAR focus: Teamwork, Taskwork, Combined, No-focus) x 2 (Trial: 1, 2) repeated measures design was conducted with 56 three-person teams. Teams performed a complex and collaborative problem-solving task that required creativity. Study findings indicated that combining teamwork and taskwork content in the AAR resulted in greater performance improvement than focusing on teamwork-related behaviors only. Unexpectedly, generic (no-focus) AARs were found to be more effective than teamwork-focused AARs on team performance and more effective than combined-focus AARs on information sharing and backup behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed, along with suggestions for future research.


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Citation Formats
İ. Mete, “After action reviews in teams: comparing the effects of teamwork and taskwork focus,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2020.