Avrupa Toplululuğu ve Türk Hukukunda Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması



Exhaustion of industrial property rights in the European Union and its implications on the application of this principle in Turkey
Tutkun, Seçil; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze; Department of European Studies (2005)
This thesis analyzes the reconciliation of industrial property rights with the principle of free movement of goods in the EU and the implications of this solution on trade relations between the EU and Turkey in the scope of the Decision No. 1/95 of the EC-Turkey Association Council. In the second chapter, patents, trademarks, industrial designs and utility models then the EU regulations and the international regulations concerning the protection of the relevant right in the EU region is examined. Although, ...
Harmonisation in european union on industrial property rights protection procedures : effects on Turkey within the framework of customs union
Demirdağ, Serap; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze; Department of European Studies (2004)
This thesis aims at answering two questions under the topic of Harmonisation of Industrial Property Rights Protection Procedures in the European Union. The questions researched are: أWhat are the current systems of Industrial Property Rights protection in the world, in the European Union and Turkey?ؤ and أIs there a way for Turkey to be included within the EU Industrial Property protection system in the future while still being under the relation of Customs Union?ؤ. To answer these questions current systems...
Data protection and intellectual property in the EU and Turkey
Toğuz, Özlem; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze; Department of European Studies (2010)
This research had two main purposes. Firstly it aimed at showing the regulatory framework of both data protection and intellectual property in the European Union and thus making the privacy complications of Digital Rights Managements systems clear in the developed world. This research also aimed at disclosing the complications of employment of DRMs systems in developing countries. To that end Turkey’s copyright framework has been reviewed. It was found out that DRMs systems employed in Turkey went beyond th...
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesı̇ Kararları Işığında Türkı̇ye’de Kadına Yönelı̇k Şı̇ddetı̇n Önlenmesi
Sönmez, Esma Yağmur (2020-12-01)
Kadına yönelik şiddet, gelişmişlik düzeylerinden bağımsız olmak üzere hemen tüm dünya ülkelerinde karşılaşılan hukuki ve sosyal bir problemdir. İnsanlık tarihi içerisinde kadınla erkeğin birlikte yaşamaya başlaması kadar eski olan bu sorunla uluslararası alanda mücadele, Birleşmiş Milletler, Kadınlara Karşı Her Türlü Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi Sözleşmesi‘nin üye ülkelerin imzasına açıldığı 1980’den önceye götürülememektedir Uluslararası alanda kadına yönelik şiddetin önlenmesi amacıyla yapılan çalışmalar ve...
The European Union water framework directive and Turkey‟s water management policy : an analysis
Sümer, Vakur; Güneş, Şule; Department of International Relations (2011)
This thesis focuses on the relationship with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Turkey‟s water management policy. The aim of the thesis is to understand and analyze impacts of Water Framework Directive on different dimensions of Turkey‟s water management policy. This thesis argues that legal discourses, organizations and policy networks prevailing in Turkey‟s water management policy are more flexible in terms of change, whereas institutional arrangements, which constitute the substantive part of the...
Citation Formats
G. Aşçıoğlu Öz, Avrupa Toplululuğu ve Türk Hukukunda Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması. 2000.