Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Profession of Early Childhood Education in terms of Gender Role.

Karaduman, M. Ali
Olgan, Refika


Pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards the profession of early childhood education in terms of sex and gender role
Karaduman, Muhammet Ali; Olgan, Refika; Department of Early Childhood Education (2011)
The purpose of this study is to understand the attitudes of pre-service teachers, who are studying at the departments of early childhood education in universities in Turkey, towards the profession of early childhood education. Specifically, this study investigated the effect of sex and gender role on the attitudes of pre-service early childhood teachers. The sample of this study includes 1528 participants from 11 different state universities of Turkey. 278 of them are male pre-service teachers and 1250 of t...
Pre-service teachers’ opinions, self-efficacy beliefs and state anxiety in relation to educational podcasting
Çelik, Berkan; Yıldırım, Zahide; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2014)
Technology continues to develop rapidly and it has an undeniable effect on education. Developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) especially Web 2.0 technologies have contributed much to change the traditional understanding of education. One of the Web 2.0 technologies that can contribute to teaching and learning process is podcasting technology. The purpose of this study is two folds. The first aim of this study is to investigate pre-service teachers` opinions on educational podcasts, ...
Pre-service Teachers Performance in Their University Coursework and Mathematical Self Efficacy Beliefs What is the Role of Gender and Year in Program
Işıksal Bostan, Mine (2005-01-01)
This study investigates the effects of gender and year in program on the performance and mathematical selfefficacy beliefs of 145 pre-service mathematics teachers in Turkey. One of the main purposes of this study is to investigate how duration in a teacher education program influenced the performance and mathematical selfefficacy beliefs of pre-service teachers. In addition, gender differences between male and female pre-service mathematics teachers, depending upon year in program, are examined. Results rev...
Pre-Service Teachers’ Evaluation of Their Mentor Teachers, School Experiences, and Theory–Practice Relationship
Alemdağ, Ecenaz; Özdemir Şimşek, Pınar (2017-06-01)
This case study investigated practicum experiences of pre-service teachers by focusing on their evaluation of mentor teachers, school experiences, and theory-practice relationships. Interviews were conducted with six teacher candidates, and observations in the participants' practice schools were made. The results revealed that mentor teachers had both positive and negative qualities with respect to social support, professional support, and role-modeling mentoring functions. Moreover, pre-service teachers re...
Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers' Views about Integration of Technology into Early Childhood Classrooms.
Öztürk, Elif; Olgan, Refika (2010-08-23)
Citation Formats
M. A. Karaduman and R. Olgan, “Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Profession of Early Childhood Education in terms of Gender Role.,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: