Optimization of Dragline Inspection Intervals with Time Counter Algorithm



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Özaydın, Seval; Koç, Seyit Sencer; Tanık, Yalçın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2003)
In this thesis, optimization of the geometry of non-uniform arrays for direction finding yielding unambiguous results is studied. A measure of similarity between the array response vectors is defined. In this measure, the effects of antenna array geometry, source placements and antenna gains are included as variable parameters. Then, assuming that the antenna gains are known and constant, constraints on the similarity function are developed and described to result in unambiguous configurations and maximum r...
Optimization of non-uniform planar array geometry for direction of arrival estimation
Birinci, Toygar; Tanık, Yalçın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2006)
In this work, a novel method is proposed to optimize the array geometry for DOA estimation. The method is based on minimization of fine error variances with the constraint that the gross error probability is below a certain threshold. For this purpose, a metric function that reflects the gross and fine error characteristics of the array is offered. Theoretical analyses show that the minimization of this metric function leads to small DOA estimation error variance and small gross error probability. Analyses ...
Optimization of doppler processing by using bank of matched filters
Aktop, Onur; Tanık, Yalçın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2005)
In radars, matched filters are used in the receiver of the system. Since the target velocity is not known a priori, degradation occurs due to mismatch of the return signal and the matched filter. The performance of the radar can be improved by using a bank of matched filters. The first topic investigated in this work is optimization of the bank of matched filter structure. Two methods are proposed for the design of the parallel filter structure and computations are performed with both methods. The output si...
Optimization of nonuniform array geometry for DOA estimation with the constraint on gross error probability
Birinci, Toygar; Tanık, Yalçın (2007-10-01)
In this work, a novel method is proposed to optimize the array geometry for DOA estimation. The method is based on minimization of fine error variances with the constraint that the gross error probability is below a certain threshold. For this purpose, a metric function that reflects the gross and fine error characteristics of the array is proposed. Theoretical analyses show that the minimization of this metric function leads to small DOA estimation error variance and small gross error probability. Analyses...
Optimization of single-pass milling operations by geometric programming method.
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Citation Formats
O. Gölbaşı and N. Demirel, “Optimization of Dragline Inspection Intervals with Time Counter Algorithm,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/70953.