Batalle de Sarikamiş



The New Architectural Classicism in Northern Cyprus
Kiessel, Marko ; Yücel-Besim, Devrim ; Tozan, Asu (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2011)
In the early 1990s, a Post-Modern architectural classicism emerged in Northern Cyprus, a trend which boomed strongly after 2003, the year of a (failed) peace-plan of the United Nations for the divided island. This trend was influenced by developments in Turkey and arriving late, compared to the international Post-Modern movement. This study aims at a stylistic and semiotic analysis of the Postmoderne in Northern Cyprus. It is based on a comprehensive survey and demonstrates that four international Post-Mod...
Bati Cephesinde Yeni Bir Şey Yok: Fonksiyonalist Avrupa Birliği ve Post-Fonksiyonalist Avrupa Bütünleşmesi
Kahraman, Sevilay (2013-05-01)
Eşzamanlı bir süreç ve proje niteliğindeki Avrupa bütünleşmesi ve bütünleşmenin dört temel boyutu (siyasal bütünleşmesi, kurumsal bütünleşme, tutumsal bütünleşme ve güvenlik bütünleşmesi) arasındaki etkileşim “fonksiyonalist” olarak tanımlanabilecek bir Avrupa Birliği (AB) ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bütünleşmenin siyasa kapsamı ve kurumsal derinliği zamanla çok-düzlemli, elitist, işlevselliğe odaklı ve kitlelerin izin veren konsensüsüne dayanan bir yönetişim modeli ve siyasi topluluk yaratmıştır. Ancak Soğuk Savaş...
Irak’ın işgali senaryolar ve eleştiriler
Göçer Akder, Derya (2003-01-01)
Postmodernist Hotel-Casino Complexes In Northern Cyprus
Yücel Besim , Devrim; Kiessel, Marco; Tozan Kiessel, Asu (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2010)
Recent developments in tourism strongly affect related architecture in Turkish-Cypriot northern Cyprus. Increased investments are made in hotel-casino complexes since gambling was forbidden in Turkey in 1998, and the investements were directed to Cyprus. With the boom of the construction-sector in the northern part of the divided island which started after the reunion plan of UN-General Secretary Kofi Annan in 2003, the number of hotel-casinos increased. The implementation of concept hotels at Vokoli...
Annual and seasonal trend patterns of climate change in North Cyprus
Seyhun, Rahme; Akıntuğ, Bertuğ; Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems (2013-3)
In order to meet water needs for the present and future to sustain life, applying sustainable water resources management is vital. Changes in temperature and precipitation regimes affect the agriculture and ecosystem. Therefore, investigation of the changes in the spatial and temporal rainfall and temperature patterns is important for sustainable water resources management. The meteorological data used in this study was obtained from North Cyprus Meteorological Office. Annual, seasonal, and monthly ra...
Citation Formats
Ö. Turan, Batalle de Sarikamiş. 2015, p. 90.