Risk Yönetimi ve Kentlerin Gelişiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Kent Kategorileri



Risk society and planning: the case of flood disaster management in Turkish cities
Şenol Balaban, Meltem; Balamir, Murat; Department of City and Regional Planning (2009)
Global warming and climate change is believed to increase the hydro-meteorological natural disasters. Floods, the most widespread of natural hazards, are expected to occur more frequently and severely in the near future. This means that urban areas of Turkey are likely to be under intensive threat of floods, the adverse impacts of which are already considered only next to that of earthquakes. The recent disaster policy of United Nations together with contemporary interpretations of risk society shifted to c...
Risk yönetim kavramsallaştırmaları ve yerelleşme
Topal, Çağrı (2013-05-30)
Kent, Planlama ve Afet Risk Yönetimi
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (2017-01-01)
Kent, Planlama ve Afet Risk Yönetimi
Şenol Balaban, Meltem (Anadolu Yayınları, 2017-07-01)
A Framework for visualization of information in 3D virtual city environment for disaster management
Yılmaz, Aslı; Düzgün, H. Şebnem; Department of Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies (2015)
In recent years, new developments in technology have brought about novel methods and platforms that have provided innovative visualization of geo-spatial information. Among the possible platforms, 3D virtual platforms are increasingly preferred as they not only depict the real world phenomena but also convey additional information. The creation of 3D geo-spatial information visualization in the conducted studies is mainly technology-driven and not standardized. Moreover, perception of the user, user experie...
Citation Formats
O. Balaban, Risk Yönetimi ve Kentlerin Gelişiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Kent Kategorileri. 2017, p. 218.