Polymeric bilayer scaffolds co-cultured with L929 and BMSCs for periodontal applications



Polymeric scaffolds for bioactive agent delivery in bone tissue engineering
Uçar, Şeniz; Hasırcı, Nesrin; Yılgör, Pınar; Department of Chemistry (2012)
Tissue engineering is a multidisciplinary field that is rapidly emerging as a promising new approach in the restoration and reconstruction of tissues. In this approach, three dimensional (3D) scaffolds are of great importance. Scaffolds function both as supports for cell growth and depot for sustained release of required active agents (e.g. enzymes, genes, antibiotics, growth factors). Scaffolds should possess certain properties in accordance with usage conditions. Wet-spinning is a simple technique that ha...
Polymeric Hydrogel/Micelle System as Drug Delivery and Tissue Support for Periodontal Regeneration
İsik, Gulhan; Kızıltay, Aysel; Hasırcı, Nesrin; Tezcaner, Ayşen (null; 2017-09-08)
Polymeric micelles embedded in membrane and hydrogel as drug delivery systems for the treatment of periodontal diseases Periodontal hastalıkların tedavisi için membran ve hidrojel içerisine gömülmüş polimerik ilaç salım sistemleri
Tezcaner, Ayşen; Hasırcı, Nesrin; Kızıltay, Aysel(2017-12-31)
Periodontitis (diş eti hastalığı), dünyada en yaygın kronik hastalıklardan biri olup subgingival plak birikimi sonucunda oluşan periodontal cepteki enfeksiyona karşı gelişen lokalize inflamatuar bir cevaptır. Diş ve diş eti arasında biriken bakteri plakları, enflamatuvar tepki nedeniyle bağ dokuya zarar vererek diş ile diş eti arasında periodontal cep oluşmasına neden olurlar. Periodontal cep oluşumu, anaerobik bakterilerin üremesi için daha iyi ortam sağlamaktadır. Periodontitis tedavi edilmediğinde, diş e...
Polymeric microsieves via phase separation microfabrication: Process and design optimization
Bikel, M.; Çulfaz Emecen, Pınar Zeynep; Bolhuis-Versteeg, L.A.M.; Pérez, J. Garduño; Lammertink, R.G.H.; Wessling, M. (2010-02-01)
Phase separation microfabrication (PS mu F) is a fabrication method that allows the preparation of membranes having micropattern surface topologies. PS mu F has been successfully used for manufacturing polymeric microsieves. The technique benefits from the vertical shrinkage of polymer solutions to ensure perforation by the pillars on the mold. The horizontal shrinkage causes deformation of some pores and increased peeling forces. This can lead to rupture of molds as well as inoperable microsieves. The effe...
Polymeric materials in wound healing
Ulubayram, K; Hasırcı, Nesrin (1997-09-17)
There is a high need for rapid healing in the treatment of severe burns, trauma, diabetic, decubitus ulcers and other conditions where a great damage of the tissue is exist. In those cases, wound should be covered with a dressing which replaces the functions of the natural skin by protecting the loss of body fluid and proteins, preventing bacterial invasion, improving and stimulating the healing process by providing a support for the proliferating cells
Citation Formats
A. Kızıltay, T. Endoğan Tanır, and N. Hasırcı, “Polymeric bilayer scaffolds co-cultured with L929 and BMSCs for periodontal applications,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/73222.