A Use of Virtual Patient in Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis: First Impressions of Neurology Clerkship Students

Yılmaz, Yusuf
Karabilgin Öztürkçü, Özlem Sürel
Ekmekci, Özgül
Çağıltay, Kürşat
3rd Simulation in Medical Education Conference “Interprofessional Education” (2014)


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Citation Formats
Y. Yılmaz, Ö. S. Karabilgin Öztürkçü, Ö. Ekmekci, and K. Çağıltay, “A Use of Virtual Patient in Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis: First Impressions of Neurology Clerkship Students,” presented at the 3rd Simulation in Medical Education Conference “Interprofessional Education” (2014), 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/74161.