Measuring the Surface Residual Stresses in Shot Peened Steel Components by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method 11th Int Conf on Barkhausen Noise Micromagnetic Testing



Monitoring the Effects of Subsequent Weld Runs on Surface Residual Stresses in Steel Plates by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method
Erian, Gökhan; Batıgün, Caner; Çam, İbrahim; Gür, Cemil Hakan (null; 2015-06-20)
Measurement of the weak mixing angle with the Drell-Yan process in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
Chatrchyan, S.; et. al. (2011-12-01)
A multivariate likelihood method to measure electroweak couplings with the Drell-Yan process at the LHC is presented. The process is described by the dilepton rapidity, invariant mass, and decay angle distributions. The decay angle ambiguity due to the unknown assignment of the scattered constituent quark and antiquark to the two protons in a collision is resolved statistically using correlations between the observables. The method is applied to a sample of dimuon events from proton-proton collisions at roo...
Determining the thickness of concrete pavements using the impact-echo test method
Aktaş, Can Baran; Yaman, İsmail Özgür; Department of Civil Engineering (2007)
Traditionally, destructive methods such as coring are used for the condition assessment of an existing concrete structure. Although these methods may yield valid data about the corresponding concrete section, they are quite expensive and time consuming. More important than these, destructive methods damage the structure being investigated and these points usually become focal points for further deterioration. For all these reasons, only a few samples can be collected from a structure and this results in a p...
Measurement of Small Strains in Steel Samples Using Digital Imaging Technigues
Sözen, Şahin; Güler, Murat (null; 2008-09-15)
Monitoring variation of surface residual stresses in shot peened steel components by the magnetic Barkhausen noise method
SAVAŞ, SERDAR; Gür, Cemil Hakan (2010-12-01)
Shot peening is a cold working process by which residual compressive stresses are induced in the surface and near-surface region to increase the fatigue strength and the resistance to stress corrosion cracking This study covers non-destructive evaluation of surface residual stresses in the shot peened steel components by the magnetic Barkhausen noise method For this purpose various sets of steel specimens were prepared by a controlled shot peening process with different intensities impact angles and coverag...
Citation Formats
C. H. Gür, “Measuring the Surface Residual Stresses in Shot Peened Steel Components by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method 11th Int Conf on Barkhausen Noise Micromagnetic Testing,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: