Trace Element Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols in Ankara Turkey: Determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Anlaysis

Yatın, Mustafa
Tuncel, Süleyman Gürdal
Aras, Namık Kemal


YATIN, M; Tuncel, Süleyman Gürdal; TUNCEL, G; ARAS, NK (1994-07-01)
Twenty six trace elements were determined by INAA in the aerosol samples collected at two stations in Ankara, Turkey. Industrially derived elements, Se, As, Sb, Zn and Au did not show seasonal dependence and they were not substantially enriched. Elements originating from coal combustion are highly enriched and have higher concentrations in the winter. Correlation factors indicate that motor vehicles, coal and oil combustion are the main sources of aerosols over the city.
Trace element and major ion composition of wet and dry depositon in Ankara Turkey
Kaya, Güven; Tuncel, Süleyman Gürdal (1997-12-01)
Daily, wet-only precipitation samples collected over a two year period were analyzed for SO42-, NO3-, Cl-, NH4+, H+, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn, V and Ni. Weekly dry-deposition samples collected on petri-dishes over the same period were analyzed only for major ions. Concentrations of ions and elements in Ankara precipitation are comparable with concentrations reported in literature for other urban areas. However, the wet deposition fluxes are the lowest among literature values, owing to small annual ...
Trace elements partitioning during co-firing biomass with lignite in a pilot-scale fluidized bed combustor
Gogebakan, Zuhal; Selçuk, Nevin (2009-03-15)
This study describes the partitioning of 18 trace elements (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl, V, Zn) and 9 major and minor elements (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Si, Ti) during co-firing of olive residue, hazelnut shell and cotton residue with high sulfur and ash content lignite in 0.3 MWt Middle East Technical University (METU) Atmospheric Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustor (ABFBC) test rig with limestone addition. Concentrations of trace elements in coal, biomass, limestone, bottom...
Trace elements in the environment determined by nuclear activation techniques.
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Trace elements in the black sea atmosphere: concentrations and variations
Hacısalihoğlu, Gülen; Tuncel, Gürdal; Department of Environmental Engineering (1989)
Citation Formats
M. Yatın, S. G. Tuncel, and N. K. Aras, “Trace Element Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols in Ankara Turkey: Determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Anlaysis,” Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry, pp. 401–411, 1994, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: