Türk inşaat sektöründe hukuksal anlaşmazlıkların oluşumu ve çözüm yolları



Legal aspects of ICT implementation in Turkish construction industry: applicability of eLEGAL framework
Çiftçi, Çağlar; Nielsen, Yasemin; Department of Civil Engineering (2005)
With increasing awareness of gains and importance of the strategic use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the implementation rate of ICTs in construction sector is increasing. However, these technologies have not been covered by legal and contractual practices. The industry needs to implement application frameworks and legal re-structuring of the existing related laws and regulations to use ICT in a legal and contractually valid environment. In this thesis, an EU funded project, eLEGAL; wh...
The extent of information visualisation in Turkish construction industry : a QFD approach
Erdoğan, Bilge; Nielsen, Yasemin; Department of Civil Engineering (2003)
Distances between dispersed locations may be largely overcome through efficient use of modern data transfer and communication systems. Unfortunately the conclusions drawn from research and surveys carried out in the industry show that companies generally fail in using information technologies properly and that there is a significant communication gap - therefore coordination and cooperation gap - between the site offices and the main office due to data transfer lags and lack of visualised information. How i...
Türk İnşaat Sektöründe Hukuksal Anlaşmazlıkların Oluşumu ve Nitelikleri
Birgönül, Mustafa Talat (null; 2001-11-03)
Origins and magnitude of waste in the Turkish construction industry
Baytan, Mehmet; Elias Özkan, Soofia Tahira; Department of Building Science in Architecture (2007)
The aim of this study was to determine the quantity of construction waste for several construction materials and to state the probable origins of this waste, depending on case studies in Turkey. There is a lack of documented quantitative data in Turkey on how much material waste the construction industry generates and what amount of such materials remain unused due to this waste. Although some amount of waste is accepted as unavoidable, the probable reasons for it are unclear. Therefore, the study focused o...
Critical success factors for partnering in the turkish construction industry
Eren, Köksal; Köksal, Eren; Department of Civil Engineering (2007)
Partnering is in the agenda of many construction companies worldwide as it is an effective strategy that may increase competitiveness of partner companies and reduce risks retained by each party. In order for partnering to reach its expected benefits, partner selection is of vital importance. Similarly, there are some critical success factors (CSF) that should be taken into account by the parties in order to maintain a successful partnership throughout its lifecycle. The aim of this thesis is identification...
Citation Formats
M. T. Birgönül, Türk inşaat sektöründe hukuksal anlaşmazlıkların oluşumu ve çözüm yolları. 2001.