Adana Turquie Devenirs du Centre Ancien 18 ans apres le Tremblement de Terre Adana Turkey The Old Centre City 18 Years after the Earthquake

Saban Ökesli, Fazilet Duygu
Tüter, Rukiye
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ
Erkılıç, Mualla
Akar, Tuba
Demir Mishchenko, Evrim
Aksu Çam, Çiğdem
Bouche, Pıerre
Lebarbey, Celıa
Seccı, Claudıo
Faure, Justıne
Lattitudes Ateliers Internationaux 2015
Citation Formats
F. D. Saban Ökesli et al., “Adana Turquie Devenirs du Centre Ancien 18 ans apres le Tremblement de Terre Adana Turkey The Old Centre City 18 Years after the Earthquake,” Lattitudes Ateliers Internationaux 2015, pp. 88–123, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: