Use of many facets Rasch measurement in performance assessment in higher education



Use of voronoi gridding in well test design
Rahimov, Fuad; Sınayuç, Çağlar; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2015)
One of the most efficient tools to accurately characterize the reservoir and its nature is well testing. In the literature, well testing sometimes is referred as Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA). For the development strategy of the field both technical and economic considerations are involved. In order to perform well testing, firstly it needs to be correctly designed, otherwise well testing will not yield reliable information about the reservoir. There are both analytical and numerical techniques for the ...
Use of Voronoi Gridding in the Design of Well Tests
Rahımov, Fuad; Sınayuç, Çağlar (2015-05-27)
Usage of spline interpolation in catheter-based cardiac mapping
Yilmaz, Bulent; Cunedioglu, Ugur; Baysoy, Engin (2010-01-01)
Due to their minimal invasiveness catheters are highly preferred in cardiac mapping techniques used in the source localization of rhythm disturbances in the heart. In cardiac mapping, standard steerable catheters and multielectrode basket catheters are the two alternatives for the characterization of the underlying tissue on the inner (endocardium) and outer (epicardium) surfaces of the heart. As with any discrete sampling technique, an important question for catheter-based cardiac mapping is how to determi...
Kul, Yavuz; Seker, Alper; YURDAKUL, MUSTAFA (2014-01-01)
New manufacturing technologies such as nontraditional manufacturing methods (NMM) were needed recently because of new machining requirements for parts with complex geometries, very narrow machining area and high strength materials and also for very small and delicate parts. Since NMM are diverse and their numbers are increasing with the development of new approaches, selecting the most appropriate one among many NMM requires systematic models which incorporate multi-criteria decision making approaches. In t...
Use of ter techniques and the PCA technique in electromagnetic target feature extraction
Karaduman, Mehmet; Turhan Sayan, Gönül; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2000)
Citation Formats
Y. Çapa Aydın, “Use of many facets Rasch measurement in performance assessment in higher education,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: