On the Performance Analysis of a New Knot Selection Procedure in MARS



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On the numerical modelling of a dc driven glow discharge plasma
Rafatov, İsmail; Kudryavtsev, Aa (2012-09-01)
We developed and tested two dimensional (axial-symmetric) models of a dc glow discharge in low pressure argon gas using two approaches. First, assembling the model from the ”general form” COMSOL Multiphysics pde’s, and second, using COMSOL’s built-in ”Plasma Module”. Calculation results have been compared with those obtained from the CFD-ACE+ package. The discharge models are based on a fluid description of ions and excited neutral species with drift-diffusion approximation for the particle flux. The data f...
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This paper presents a newly empirical approach to estimate support pressure in rock tunnels. The new approach takes the rock mass quality (Geological Strength Index: GSI), the disturbance degree, the post-failure behavior, the size of tunnel, the state of in-situ stresses, and the squeezing-prone condition into consideration. A parametric study was, too, carried out using numerical analysis to investigate the influence of anisotropy in field stresses and the effect of the various shapes and sizes of tunnels...
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We present a novel receiver structure for the detection and parameter estimation of linear frequency modulated signals. The proposed structure is based on the relations between the fractional Fourier transform and the ambiguity function. It has been shown that the optimal ML receiver, which is the peak detector in the ambiguity plane, can be implemented at a reduced search complexity with the proposed method. The proposed method uses two 1-dimensional search operations in two different fractional Fourier do...
Citation Formats
C. İyigün, “On the Performance Analysis of a New Knot Selection Procedure in MARS,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/83595.