Bir Grup Üniversite Öğrencisinde Sosyal İçedönüklük Düşük Kendilik Değeri Kederli Duygu Durumu Gibi Depresif Özellikler ve Sosyal İlişkilerden Sağlanan Doyum

Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi


A group of students' and teachers' perceptions with respect to biology education at high school level
Özcan, Nesrin; Öztekin, Ceren; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2003)
This study aimed to explore students̕ and teachers̕ perceptions with respect to biology education at high school level in order to reveal the reasons of students̕ low achievement in biology as indicated by the university entrance examinations between the years 1996-2002. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Therefore two separate interview schedules were developed to be conducted with 45 high school biology teachers and 45 eleventh grade science students in 10 schools including private, Anat...
Bir Deniz Görev Grubu için Satıhtan Havaya Güdümlü Mermilerin Dinamik Çizelgelemesi
Karasakal, Orhan; Karasakal, Esra; Silav, Ahmet (2016-05-13)
Bu çalışmada, bir deniz görev grubunun hava savunma problemine yönelik, başlangıçtaki hava tehdit setine göre optimize edilen çizelgeleme planının, angajmanlar başladıktan sonra yeniden değerlendirilmesi ihtiyacı için iki amaçlı satıhtan havaya güdümlü mermi çizelgeleme modeli önerilmiştir. Modeldeki, ilk amaç hava tehditlerinin tamamını imha etme olasılığının ençoklanması, ikinci amaç ise ilk tahsis planı ile yeni tahsis planı arasındaki değişim miktarının enazlanmasıdır. Problemde, yeniden çizelgeleme iht...
A risk management method for a Turkish defence industry firm
Karadaş, Erhan; Onay, Lamia Zeynep; Department of Business Administration (2007)
In this study, a risk management methodology for the business development phase of a Turkish defense industry firm’s projects is proposed. The proposed method is based on the contemporary risk management practices and offers the integration of risk management process on top of existing project management processes in the business development phase, besides being cost effective and applicable. The method suggests a format for a risk management plan with two new sections, results, and compliancy. Furthermore,...
Optimal air defense strategies for naval task group
Karasakal, Orhan; Özdemirel, Nur Evin; Department of Industrial Engineering (2004)
We develop solution methods for the air defense problem of a naval task group in this dissertation. We consider two interdependent problems. The first problem is the optimal allocation of a set of defensive missile systems of a naval task group to a set of attacking air targets. We call this problem the Missile Allocation Problem (MAP). The second problem called the Sector Allocation Problem (SAP) is the determination of a robust air defense formation for a naval task group by locating ships in predefined s...
A corpus-based analysis of genre-specific discourse of research: the phd thesis and the research article in elt
Işık Taş, Elvan Eda; Enginarlar, Hüsnü; Department of English Language Teaching (2008)
Writing a research article is not an easy task for novice researchers, who begin their study as outsiders in the academic community and who must deal with both the apprenticeship in their fields and the challenge of writing in a new genre. Moreover, PhD thesis is a genre which is very frequently “recontextualized” as a research article by the novice researcher. The aim of this study was to conduct a contrastive analysis of the genre-specific features of introductions in a corpus of theses written in PhD pro...
Citation Formats
A. G. Demir, “Bir Grup Üniversite Öğrencisinde Sosyal İçedönüklük Düşük Kendilik Değeri Kederli Duygu Durumu Gibi Depresif Özellikler ve Sosyal İlişkilerden Sağlanan Doyum,” Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, pp. 17–25, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: