Shaping a modern city out of an ancient capital Henri Prost's plan for the historical Peninsula of Istanbul

11th Conference of the International Planning History Society (2004)


Designing urban space with the tools of the development legislation
Baş, Yener; Barlas, Mehmet Adnan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2003)
Since 1960s, the scope of urban design broadened in a way that to control the formation process of urban space as a whole. In this respect urban coding became a distinct branch in urban planning as an integrating mechanism of planning and design processes. Thus, design control has become a crucial part of the development control systems especially in the western countries. Although the development legislation in Turkey as an urban coding system has various weaknesses about urban design and design control, i...
Building a legible city : how far planning is succesful in Ankara
Eraydın, Zeynep; Barlas, Mehmet Adnan; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2007)
Human environment perceptual relationships have significant effects on human psychology in urban spaces. The concepts of urban legibility and imageability concentrate on these relationships and define components to create livable places by organizing the physical structure. However, determining legibility components is not sufficient in order to define whether a place legible or not. This thesis explores Gestalt laws of perception can be used to re-define the relationships among legibility components by set...
Designing the airport city: an international perspective
Zamanov, Ayaz; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2017)
Cities grow and prosper in relation with their transportation hubs. In the past, coastal towns with adequate harbors grew and expanded quickly. In modern times, similar prospects apply to cities with airports which provide competitive advantages for regional and urban development. In addition to being a complex system of facilities, airports are significant stimulators for economic activities in its catchment area. In the last thirty years or so, airports have become clusters of not only transportation-rela...
Designing a new architectural program: the norms and attributes of regional airports; Kütahya-Afyonkarahisar-Uşak
Apaydın, Aslı; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2007)
Today’s dynamics - the globalization process, economic growth together with late-capitalism, the number of population living in cities and improvements in technology, communication and electronic media - have changed the course of air transportation. As the demand for aviation has increased, the policy of “regional air transportation system” has begun to be extensive through the world in order to provide an integrated and sustainable air transport system. As for Turkey, together with deregulation of air tra...
Building the modern environment in early republication Turkey :Sümerbank Kayseri and Nazilli factory settlements
Peri, Burak; Ergut, Elvan Altan; Department of History of Architecture (2002)
Citation Formats
F. C. Bilsel, “Shaping a modern city out of an ancient capital Henri Prost’s plan for the historical Peninsula of Istanbul,” Barcelona, SPAIN, 2004, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: