Linearization Instability for Generic Gravity in AdS

Altaş Kiracı, Emel
Tekin, Bayram


Linearization instability for generic gravity in AdS spacetime
Altas, Emel; Tekin, Bayram (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-1-24)
In general relativity, perturbation theory about a background solution fails if the background spacetime has a Killing symmetry and a compact spacelike Cauchy surface. This failure, dubbed as linearization instability, shows itself as non-integrability of the perturbative infinitesimal deformation to a finite deformation of the background. Namely, the linearized field equations have spurious solutions which cannot be obtained from the linearization of exact solutions. In practice, one can show the failure o...
Linearization instability of chiral gravity
Altas, Emel; Tekin, Bayram (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-6-27)
Carrying out an analysis of the constraints and their linearizations on a spacelike hypersurface, we show that topologically massive gravity has a linearization instability at the chiral gravity limit about AdS(3). We also calculate the symplectic structure for all the known perturbative modes (including the log-mode) for the linearized field equations and find it to be degenerate (noninvertible); hence, these modes do not approximate exact solutions and so do not belong to the linearized phase space of the...
Linearization in stability in gravity theories
Altaş Kiracı, Emel; Tekin, Bayram; Department of Physics (2018)
In a nonlinear theory, such as gravity, physically relevant solutions are usually hard to find. Therefore, starting from a background exact solution with symmetries, one uses the perturbation theory, which albeit approximately, provides a lot of information regarding a physical solution. But even this approximate information comes with a price: the basic premise of a perturbative solution is that it should be improvable. Namely, by going to higher order perturbation theory, one should be able to improve and ...
Linear contrasts in experimental design with non-identical error distributions
Senoglu, B; Tiku, ML (Wiley, 2002-01-01)
Estimation of linear contrasts in experimental design, and testing their assumed values, is considered when the error distributions from block to block are not necessarily identical. The normal-theory solutions are shown to have low efficiencies as compared to the solutions presented here.
Linear modal combination procedure for structural dynamics
Tanışer, Sadun; Sucuoğlu, Haluk; Department of Civil Engineering (2013)
Earthquake engineering practice utilizes different analysis procedures in the estimation of seismic demands on structures. These procedures are mainly divided into two groups as static and dynamic procedures. Dynamic procedures are more accurate than the static procedures since they include the entire history of any response parameter during the ground motion. Nevertheless, there are also approximate but much simpler static analysis procedures that overcome high computational demands and inherent difficulti...
Citation Formats
E. Altaş Kiracı and B. Tekin, “Linearization Instability for Generic Gravity in AdS,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: