”Strong” Indefiniteness and Topicality

The paper addresses the relation between “strong” or presuppositional readings of indefinite noun phrases and the notion of topicality in its sentential and discourse-level formulations. Previous discussions of the issue were generally based on the interpretative properties of indefinite noun phrases at positions associated with topicality (e.g. subject of an individual-level predicate, within the antecedent of a conditional). The paper aims to contribute to the debate with data from Turkish, which overtly marks “strong” indefiniteness at a position generally associated with focus rather than topic. It is argued on the basis of Turkish data that “strong” indefiniteness and topicality should be kept distinct
Sinn und Bedeutung 17, (8 - 10 Eylül 2012)


Causal Categories In Turkısh Connectives First Results From A Corpus Study And A Judgement Task
Derya, Cokal; Zeyrek Bozşahin, Deniz; Sanders, Ted ()
Connectives are the prototypical linguistic markers of coherence relations in discourse. But connectives cannot express just any coherence relation. In fact, connectives can be grouped according to the type of relation expressed, such as additive, temporal, causal or contrastive relations (3; 4). In addition, recent studies show various languages sometimes have subtle distinctions within the same class of connectives. In Dutch, for instance, the causal connectives omdat and want have been shown to express t...
“That’s a grand story:” Reading J. M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World as a postnational allegory
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Mennan, Zeynep (Delft University of Technology, 2014)
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Connectivity in Turkish Sluicing-like Constructions
Kiper, Sebahat Yağmur (2021-08-11)
In this study, I explore sluicing-like constructions (SLCs) in Turkish from the perspective of case connectivity between the wh-phrase in the ellipsis site (wh-remnant) and the indefinite pronoun in the antecedent clause (indefinite correlate). Case connectivity refers to the wh-remnant sharing the morphological case of its correlate, while anti-connectivity refers to the wh-remnant surfacing bare, regardless of the form of the correlate, both of which are observed in Turkish. The wh-remnant can also carry ...
Sense through nonsense reading difficult poetry
Taşkesen, Bengü; Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M.; Department of English Language Teaching (2004)
This thesis analyses the difficulties in reading modern poetry that arise out of not the references but the unconventional use of language, and presents them in a theoretical framework based on Julia Kristeva̕s semanalytic theory and Melanie Parsons̕s application of it to a comparison of Nonsense literature and twentieth century poetry. Then aspects of the works of G. M. Hopkins, Dylan Thomas and Edith Sitwell are discussed and poems by these poets are analysed within this framework.
Citation Formats
U. Özge, “”Strong” Indefiniteness and Topicality,” 2013, p. 399, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/85647.