Language teaching and assessment policies in the Ottoman-Turkish Society: A historical and sociocultural analysis



Language Teachers' Views and Suggestions on the Central Teacher Selection and Recruitment Exam in Turkey
KILIÇKAYA, FERİT; Krajka, Jaroslaw (2010-01-01)
This study inquires into whether prospective English language teachers consider the central exam, KPSS (The Selection Examination for Professional Posts in Public Organizations) valid to select and recruit English language teachers, and what suggesttions they have concerning the improvement of the exam. The fndings indicate that the majority of the participants have negative attitudes towards the exam and think that it is not valid. Moreover, they point out that the exam must include the subject knowledge. ...
Language learning in conflictual contexts: a study of Turkish Cypriot adolescents learning Greek in Cyprus
Tum, Danyal Oztas; Kunt, Naciye; Kunt, Mehmet (Informa UK Limited, 2016-05-03)
The Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities in Cyprus have been divided for the last five decades. This study investigated whether the recent introduction of Greek language studies in Turkish Cypriot secondary schools affects students' attitudes towards the language, its speakers and culture, and motivation to study the language. Findings revealed that students studying Greek (experimental group) report having more positive attitudes towards Greek, its culture, and speakers and are more motivated to s...
Holdt, Spela Arhar; Zviel-Girshin, Rina; Gajek, Elzbieta; Duran-Munoz, Isabel; Bago, Petra; Fort, Karen; Hatipoğlu, Çiler; Kasperaviciene, Ramune; Koeva, Svetla; Konjik, Ivana Lazic; Miloshevska, Lina; Ordulj, Antonia; Rodosthenous, Christos; Volodina, Elena; Weber, Tassja; Zanasi, Lorenzo (Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, 2020-01-01)
The paper presents a cross-European survey on teachers and crowdsourcing. The survey examines how familiar language teachers are with the concept of crowdsourcing and addresses their attitude towards including crowdsourcing into language teaching activities. The survey was administrated via an online questionnaire and collected volunteers' data on: (a) teachers' experience with organizing crowdsourcing activities for students/pupils, (h) the development of crowdsourced resources and materials as well as (c)...
Language conflict and claims for the expansion of language rights in Lithuania: contrasting cases of Polish and Russian minorities
Katliarou, Yury; Aydıngün, Ayşegül; Department of Eurasian Studies (2015)
This thesis studies the reasons for the differences in the attitudes of Polish and Russian minorities in regards to language policy in Lithuania within the context of the multitude of relations between language and ethnic identity. The Polish minority makes claims for the expansion of language rights, whereas the Russian minority does not demonstrate support for such claims. In this thesis, the Lithuanian national language rights framework, the attitudes of the majority community (the Lithuanians) towards m...
Language Policy and the Status of Russian in the Soviet Union and Outside of the Russian Federation
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2006-01-01)
Citation Formats
Ç. Hatipoğlu, “Language teaching and assessment policies in the Ottoman-Turkish Society: A historical and sociocultural analysis,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: