Caste and the Colonial State: Mallahs in The Census



Ethnicity and gender dynamics of living in borderlands : the case of Hopa-Turkey
Akyüz, Latife; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Sociology (2013)
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how the border economy shapes inter and intra group dynamics of ethnicity and gender for those who live in these regions. This study based on the qualitative research conducted in the town of Hopa in the Turkey-Georgia border region. The most fundamental argument of the study is that border regions have economic activities that are specific to these regions and the form of participation in these activities shapes the dynamics of social and cultural life. The fi...
Gender division of labor in a paddy/rice producing village
Göloğlu Kiraz, Sermin; Ecevit, Yıldız; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (1998)
Class in the bar: experiences of class relations and precarity among bar workers in Ankara
Berber, Ekin Emek; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2018)
This thesis aims to study the class relations and precarity experiences of the bar workers in Ankara. Accordingly, structure of the bar sector, working conditions, control and surveillance of the labor, and anxieties for future are analyzed. In addition, class encounters, identity, collectivity, individuality and solidarity are studied with respect to class consciousness and being organized. Feelings on the basis of work lives and private lives of bar workers, their tactics to cope with the upper classes an...
Gender, policy, place: ladies' clubs in Ankara
Çavdar, Selin; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2010)
There is a substantial amount of studies concerning the economic, social and political facades of the gender issue, further supported by gender - space discussions. The main aim of this study, however, is to make a survey and analysis of ladies' clubs established and supported by Greater Ankara Municipality; in order to define their problematic. The study intends to discover and analyze the policies and legislation developed by the administration about Ladies’ Clubs, to map their distribution in the city an...
Socio-economic characteristics and academic standings of group C students in the department of basic English at METU
Çakmak, Mizyal; Mutlu, Kayhan; Department of Sociology (1995)
Citation Formats
S. T. Jassal, “Caste and the Colonial State: Mallahs in The Census,” Contributions To Indian Sociology, pp. 319–354, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: