Majıd Davoody Benı

Department of Philosophy
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Measure for Measure: Operationalising Cognitive Realism
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2024-09-01)
This paper develops a measure of realism from within the framework of cognitive structural realism (CSR). It argues that in the context of CSR, realism can be operationalised in terms of balance between accuracy and genera...
Carving teleology at its joints
Davoody Benı, Majıd; Friston, Karl (2024-07-01)
This paper addresses the conceptualisation and measurement of goal-directedness. Drawing inspiration from Ernst Mayr’s demarcation between multiple meanings of teleology, we propose a refined approach that delineates diffe...
Structural Realism About the Free Energy Principle, the Best of Both Worlds
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2024-03-26)
There are realist and antirealist interpretations of the free energy principle (FEP). This paper aims to chart out a structural realist interpretation of FEP. To do so, it draws on Worrall's (Dialectica 43(1-2): 99-124, 19...
Constraining the Compression: Thermodynamic Depth and Composition
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2024-02-22)
This paper examines Bird's account of restricted compositionality in terms of compression of information. Additionally, this paper proposes an alternative perspective (to Bird's) that links compositionality to the Free Ene...
Paths of Purposiveness
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2024-01-01)
This article aims to challenge the prevailing dichotomous approaches to goal-directedness across diverse scientific disciplines. To that effect, it focuses on establishing the interconnectedness of diverse notions of purpo...
Reinvigorating the Nineteenth Century Scientific Method: A Peirce-pective on Science
Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko; Davoody Benı, Majıd (2023-10-01)
This paper proposes to recover the topic of the philosophy of scientific method from its late nineteenth-century roots. The subject matter of scientific method sprouted from key inferential ingredients identified by Charle...
Editorial: Distributed and embodied cognition in scientific contexts
Davoody Benı, Majıd; Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko; Farina, Mirko (2023-01-01)
Casting inference to the best explanation's lot with active inference
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2023-01-01)
This paper draws on the resources of computational neuroscience (an account of active inference under the free energy principle) to address Bas van Fraassen's bad lot objection to the inference to the best explanation (IBE...
The Curious Incident of Indistinguishable Selves A Reply to Nesic
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2022-12-01)
This is a short discussion of Janko Nesic's [2022. "Towards a Neutral-Structuralist Theory of Consciousness and Selfhood." International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 1-17], which conveys a critical review of Beni'...
Dosis sola facit venenum: reconceptualising biological realism
Davoody Benı, Majıd (2022-12-01)
Richard Levins's (Am Sci 54(4):421-431, 1966) paper sets a landmark for the significance of scientific model-making in biology. Colombo and Palacios (Biol Philos 36(5):1-26. 10.1007/S10539-021-09818-X, 2021) have recently ...
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