Estimation in multivariate nonnormal distributions with stochastic variance function

In this paper the problem of estimation of location and scatter of multivariate nonnormal distributions is considered. Estimators are derived under a maximum likelihood setup by expressing the non-linear likelihood equations in the linear form. The resulting estimators are analytical expressions in terms of sample values and, hence, are easily computable and can also be manipulated analytically. These estimators are found to be remarkably more efficient and robust as compared to the least square estimators. They also provide more powerful tests in testing various relevant statistical hypotheses. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Estimation and hypothesis testing in multivariate linear regression models under non normality
İslam, Muhammed Qamarul (Informa UK Limited, 2017-01-01)
This paper discusses the problem of statistical inference in multivariate linear regression models when the errors involved are non normally distributed. We consider multivariate t-distribution, a fat-tailed distribution, for the errors as alternative to normal distribution. Such non normality is commonly observed in working with many data sets, e.g., financial data that are usually having excess kurtosis. This distribution has a number of applications in many other areas of research as well. We use modifie...
Estimation in the simple linear regression model with one-fold nested error
Ülgen, Burçin Emre; Güven, Bilgehan; Department of Statistics (2005)
In this thesis, estimation in simple linear regression model with one-fold nested error is studied. To estimate the fixed effect parameters, generalized least squares and maximum likelihood estimation procedures are reviewed. Moreover, Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimator (MINQE), Almost Unbiased Estimator (AUE) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (REML) of variance of primary units are derived. Also, confidence intervals for the fixed effect parameters and the variance components are studied. Finally, ...
Estimation and hypothesis testing in stochastic regression
Sazak, Hakan Savaş; Tiku, Moti Lal; İslam, Qamarul; Department of Statistics (2003)
Regression analysis is very popular among researchers in various fields but almost all the researchers use the classical methods which assume that X is nonstochastic and the error is normally distributed. However, in real life problems, X is generally stochastic and error can be nonnormal. Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation technique which is known to have optimal features, is very problematic in situations when the distribution of X (marginal part) or error (conditional part) is nonnormal. Modified maximum...
Estimation in bivariate nonnormal distributions with stochastic variance functions
Tiku, Moti L.; İslam, Muhammed Qamarul; SAZAK, HAKAN SAVAŞ (Elsevier BV, 2008-01-01)
Data sets in numerous areas of application can be modelled by symmetric bivariate nonnormal distributions. Estimation of parameters in such situations is considered when the mean and variance of one variable is a linear and a positive function of the other variable. This is typically true of bivariate t distribution. The resulting estimators are found to be remarkably efficient. Hypothesis testing procedures are developed and shown to be robust and powerful. Real life examples are given.
Inference in multivariate linear regression models with elliptically distributed errors
İslam, Muhammed Qamarul; Yazici, Mehmet (2014-08-01)
In this study we investigate the problem of estimation and testing of hypotheses in multivariate linear regression models when the errors involved are assumed to be non-normally distributed. We consider the class of heavy-tailed distributions for this purpose. Although our method is applicable for any distribution in this class, we take the multivariate t-distribution for illustration. This distribution has applications in many fields of applied research such as Economics, Business, and Finance. For estimat...
Citation Formats
M. Q. İslam, “Estimation in multivariate nonnormal distributions with stochastic variance function,” JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, vol. 255, pp. 698–714, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: