An Investigation into Novice English Teachers’ Beliefs about Method and Post-method Pedagogy in Turkish EFL Context

Tekin, Mustafa
Gürbüz, Nurdan
The 7th International Research Conference, 18 Mart Üniversity


An investigation on the relationship between empathy-related constructs of english instructors at Atılım University preparatory school within the framework of peace education
Özdemir, Esra; Yemenici, Alev; Department of English Language Teaching (2009)
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Can, Seçkin; Daloğlu, Ayşegül; Department of English Language Teaching (2009)
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An Investigation of Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ New Media Literacy
Kara, Mehmet; Caner, Sonay; Günay Gökben, Ayşe; İşgör Şimşek, Esra; Songül, Behice Ceyda (null; 2017-03-05)
The advent of new media necessitates the integration of new media into education. Thus, it is a requisite for teachers to have New Media Literacy (NML). The present study aims to investigate preservice teachers’ NML level by adapting a current comprehensive NML survey, which includes ten scales, to Turkish language. The data were collected from 972 preservice teachers enrolled in 11 teacher training programs in five public universities in Turkey. The construct validity, internal consistency, item consistenc...
An Investigation of Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ New Media Literacy
Kara, Mehmet; Caner, Sonay; Günay Gökben, Ayşe; İşgör Şimşek, Esra; Cengiz, Behice Ceyda (2017-03-09)
An Investigation of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ techno-pedagogical content knowledge within the context of their teaching practices
Balgalmış, Esra; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç; Department of Elementary Education (2013)
The goal of the case study was to investigate the contribution of field experience and the reflection-on-practice process on Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ TPACK. In 2011-2012 fall semester, the research was conducted with the participation of three PSTs. PSTs designed and implemented three technology-based lessons, primarily with GeoGebra. They were observed during the lesson and interviewed before and after each lesson implementation to reflect on their teaching. The data collection methods were reflective...
Citation Formats
M. Tekin and N. Gürbüz, “An Investigation into Novice English Teachers’ Beliefs about Method and Post-method Pedagogy in Turkish EFL Context,” presented at the The 7th International Research Conference, 18 Mart Üniversity, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: