Language Policy and Hegemony in the Turkic Republics

Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe


Language Policy and the Status of Russian in the Soviet Union and Outside of the Russian Federation
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2006-01-01)
Language planning policies in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
Güney, Işıl; Aydıngün, Ayşegül; Department of Eurasian Studies (2007)
The aim of thesis is to analyze the relationship between language planning policies and nation building process in post-Soviet Kazakhstan. The language planning policies in Kazakhstan aim to raise the status and role of Kazakh language in political and social contexts (status planning), develop Kazakh language as the medium of administration, education, media and science (corpus planning), and spread the use of Kazakh language (acquisition planning). However, given the demographic conditions, heterogeneous ...
Language engineering and the formation of a nation : Turkey between 1932-1938
Çelik, Zafer; Tokluoğlu, Ayşe Ceylan; Department of Sociology (2002)
Language conflict and claims for the expansion of language rights in Lithuania: contrasting cases of Polish and Russian minorities
Katliarou, Yury; Aydıngün, Ayşegül; Department of Eurasian Studies (2015)
This thesis studies the reasons for the differences in the attitudes of Polish and Russian minorities in regards to language policy in Lithuania within the context of the multitude of relations between language and ethnic identity. The Polish minority makes claims for the expansion of language rights, whereas the Russian minority does not demonstrate support for such claims. In this thesis, the Lithuanian national language rights framework, the attitudes of the majority community (the Lithuanians) towards m...
Language teaching and assessment policies in the Ottoman-Turkish Society: A historical and sociocultural analysis
Hatipoğlu, Çiler (null; 2019-04-13)
Citation Formats
A. Pamir Dietrich, Language Policy and Hegemony in the Turkic Republics. 2018.