Item design; methods, techniques and assessment criteria



Product experience and luxury values
Yardım Şener, Sevcan; Şen, Güzin; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Şener Pedgley, Bahar; Murray, Gillian (null; 2016-01-01)
Designing for luxury is a challenge since it requires knowledge on the concept of luxury and how to transfer this knowledge to product design. Literature on the concept of luxury offers a variety of definitions of the term and discusses the role and meaning of luxury by referring to particular disciplines such as economics, sociology and marketing. These studies occasionally touch upon aspects that are associated with luxury products; however there is no specific research that provides guidelines or framewo...
Item Response Theory analyses of the Big Five Inventory
Gültaş, Mehmet; Toker, Yonca; Sümer, Hayriye Canan; Sümer, Nebi (null; 2017-04-29)
Object Detection with Minimal Supervision
Demirel, Berkan; Cinbiş, Ramazan Gökberk; İkizler Cinbiş, Nazlı; Department of Computer Engineering (2023-1-18)
Object detection is considered one of the most challenging problems in computer vision since it requires correctly predicting both the object classes and their locations. In the literature, object detection approaches are usually trained in a fully-supervised manner, with a large amount of annotated data for all classes. Since data annotation is costly in terms of both time and labor, there are also alternative object detection methods, such as weakly supervised or mixed supervised learning to reduce these ...
Inventory management and control applied to a manufacturing firm.
Üreten (Baklacıoğlu), Sevinç; Department of Management (1982)
Material requirements planning implementation for a foundry.
Talu, Selim; Department of Industrial Engineering (1985)
Citation Formats
D. Çopur, Item design; methods, techniques and assessment criteria. 2021.