Design and development of a software to generate data filles of 2D objects for drafting software packages

Arslan, Ender F


Design and implementation of a graphical workflow definition tool
Turanalp, Mehmet Emin; Doğaç, Asuman; Department of Computer Engineering (1997)
Design and construction of an automated OSL Reader with open source software and hardware
Maraba, Diren; Bulur, Enver (null; 2016-07-08)
An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) reader accompanying a sample changer unit for multi-sample measurements was designed and constructed so that consecutive automated luminescence measurements can be performed. The reader was realized using open source software and hardware to minimize the development costs. The core control system of the reader is an open source single-board microcontroller (Arduino DUE). The control of sample positioning mechanism, stimulation system, precise timing and photon coun...
Design and construction of an automated OSL reader with open source software and hardware
MARABA, Diren; Bulur, Enver (2017-11-01)
An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) reader accompanying a sample changer unit for multi sample measurements was designed and constructed so that consecutive automated luminescence measurements can be performed. The reader was realized using open source software and hardware to minimize the development costs. The core control system of the reader is an open source single-board microcontroller (Arduino DUE). The control of sample positioning mechanism, stimulation system, precise timing and photon coun...
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Özsaraçoğlu, İlker; Doğaç, Asuman; Department of Computer Engineering (1989)
Design and implementation of a dynamic function linker and an algebra for an object-oriented database system
Altınel, Mehmet; Doğaç, Asuman; Department of Computer Engineering (1994)
Citation Formats
E. F. Arslan, “Design and development of a software to generate data filles of 2D objects for drafting software packages,” Middle East Technical University, 1993.