Sinemalı Apartmanlar, Apartmanda Sinemalar: Seyir Mekanları Tarihine Mimari Bir Yaklaşım

Türkiye Film Araștırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler XXI: Marjinal Minör ve Yerel


Sinemasal Anlatıda Mekân: Kubrick Filmlerinde Tuvalet Ve Banyolar
Ünver, Büşra (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
Mimarlık ve sinema, zamansal ve mekânsal yapılarıyla yaşanan mekânı ifade eden iki farklı disiplindir. Mimarlık kendi kuramını üretirken sinemadan, sinema da kendini yaratırken mimarlıktan faydalanarak etkileşime geçerler. Söz konusu etkileşimi örneklemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada mekân, sinemasal anlatılar aracılığıyla incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın kapsamını, kullanılan mekânların pasif bir dekor olmaktan çok, dramatik aksiyona yön veren ve sinemasal anlatıyı güçlendiren mekânlar olması nedeniyle Kubrick s...
The architectural city images in cinema: the representation of city in renaissance as a case study
Akçay, Ayşegül; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Department of Architecture (2008)
The aim of this study is to understand the limits of spatial transformations of architectural images in cinema. In this exposition the architectural city images are analyzed with referenced to case study by reading the representation of space and city in model film Renaissance which in the city becomes notion. The interaction between architecture and cinema is discussed by using concepts such as space, time, perception, framing, editing and continuity in addition to their relations with future cities and sp...
Understanding the concept of space in cinema: Re-reading Stanley Kubrick exhibitions
Akay, Ayça; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Department of Architecture (2023-1-17)
This study enhances a critical inquiry into functionalization of the architectural concept 'space‘ in cinema. By questioning the origins and the dialectical relations of cinema with other art forms, it is claimed that cinema establishes representative interactions with architecture in order to transcend the limits of the filmic frame. In the multiplicity of the representations, this study posits the frontiers of cinema are broadened towards the scope of architectural discipline over the objects of art and d...
The evaluation of psychotherapists in movies in terms of emotional intelligence
Banlı Pala, Müge; Gençöz, Faruk; Department of Psychology (2009)
The aim of the current study was to investigate the impact of psychotherapists’ Emotional Intelligence (EI) on adolescent patients’ perceptions about psychotherapists’ success and on adolescent patients’ preference about psychotherapists to consult. In order to examine EI level of psychotherapists who are represented in selected movies, the Scale for Evaluating Psychotherapist’s Emotional Intelligence was created for specific to this study. 50 high school students aged between 16 and 18 were participated in...
The effect of cinematherapy on perfectionism and related schemas
Aka, Başak Türküler; Gençöz, Faruk; Department of Psychology (2007)
This study aimed to reveal the effect of cinematherapy on perfectionism and related Early Maladaptive Schemas and investigates the contribution of participants’ identification with the film and recall of the film on this process. 34 university students from Psychology Department at Middle East Technical University participated in the study. The participants completed a demographic information form, Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, three Early Maladaptive Schema (Emotional Inhibition, Unrelenting Standa...
Citation Formats
E. Kaymaz, “Sinemalı Apartmanlar, Apartmanda Sinemalar: Seyir Mekanları Tarihine Mimari Bir Yaklaşım,” presented at the Türkiye Film Araștırmalarında Yeni Yönelimler XXI: Marjinal Minör ve Yerel, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: