A Qualitative Approach to Who Takes Care of the Old and Sick Family Member: Turkey and South Korea Context

Karasu, Rojda Özden
According to Choi and Hwang, in Asian countries, particularly South Korea, there is a strong desire for having a son (Choi, Hwang, 2020:628). Turkey on the other hand is not different at all. Altındağ argues Turkey is also a son favoured country with a proverb that goes; “A manly man shall have a son”, the saying in Turkish is; "Erkek adamın erkek çocuğu olur” (Altındağ, 2016:2). Both having patriarchal societies, it is not surprising that the parents expect their son, especially their oldest son and his wife to take an active role in taking care of them when they get old and/or sick. This project examines who is expected to take care of the old and sick family members in South Korea and Turkey yet who actually takes care of them, comparing two films; Pandora's Box (2008) directed by Yeşim Ustaoğlu and Take Care of My Mom (2022) directed by Kyung-Mok Park.


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Citation Formats
R. Ö. Karasu, “A Qualitative Approach to Who Takes Care of the Old and Sick Family Member: Turkey and South Korea Context,” M.S. - Master Of Science Without Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2023.