Genres and practice

Balbay, Seher


Cultures in the Foreign Language Curriculum: Instructors’ Views at a State University
Tomak, Burak; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel (2019-04-01)
Cultural And Conceptual Frames For Architectural Criticism
Güzer, C.Abdi (1994-1-1)
Since the beginnings of seventies 'everyday architecture*, as a non-crilical and mass-produced form of architectural practice, is celebrating an acceleratingly dominant ground of freedom. The outcome of this liberation is a 'no-rule' architecture presenting itself as a sceneography based form-fetishism. The commodity based promolion of numerous 'isms' and their image-based mass productions remove architecture from being a critical practice and create a false consciousness due to its representative relations...
Traces of the unconscious in language
Bilik, M. Zuhal; Hekimoğlu, Eylül Ceren; Gençöz, Faruk (2021-01-31)
The significance of language in clinical practice first emerged with the Anna O. case, a study by Freud. Lacan went on to support Freud’s findings. Through the Back to Freud movement, Lacan proved language to be crucial from theoretical and clinical perspectives. According to Lacan, the name of the father in the language used by the mother functions as a signifier for the mother’s desire. It corresponds to the first repression and enters the symbolic register. It refers to Lacan’s famous statement ‘Unconsci...
Realities and Delusions of Power in Turkish Foreign Policy
Altunışık, Meliha (2015-02-21)
Definitions of politics and their reflections in the minds of Turkish voters
Atalar, Mehmed Kürşad; Gürkaynak, Mehmet R.; Department of Political and Administrative Sciences (1994)
Citation Formats
C. DOĞAN and S. Balbay, Genres and practice. 2022.